Text,context, subtext and pretext are prime areas of concern in the new solo exhibition by Willem Boshoff titled Oh My Word!
As the title implies, taking ownership of one’s actions also involves possessing the power to describe. Beyond the exclamation though we have the simple truth of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remark, ‘Words are Deeds’.
The exhibition in its entirety addresses the question of whether words give us an acceptable reason to take action, or whether words themselves constitute action.
Found objects: a brass laboratory scale with detachable front panel in a case of glass and Philippine mahogany (Shorea negrosensis), fool's gold, sheep's knucklebones used in African divination and a base of Partridge wood (Melittia Stuhlmannii) from Mozambique
Rusted steel base, 21 used animal traps, also called gin traps, including solid blade spring traps, thin jaws opening traps, broad jaws opening traps and waverley jaws; with a projection